Heritage & Wellbeing
Find out more about Heritage and Wellbeing
Research by UNESCO has shown the key role that engagement with heritage activities can have in generating positive emotions and a sense of belonging, all of which are strongly connected with fostering wellbeing.
Connecting with each other, and our shared heritage can instil a deeper appreciation of the stories, traditions and values that have shaped our community. Engaging with heritage activities, stepping out of our comfort zone into new groups, and visiting these historical sites allows for reflection on our past achievements and challenges, helping to build resilience and hope for the future.
As well as helping us to CONNECT to both ourselves, others and the wider community, the activities and places outlined in this website provide opportunities to BE ACTIVE, TAKE NOTICE, LEARN and GIVE, the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ recommended by the NHS for improving our mental and physical health. History and Heritage activities can help;

Engaging with the past and the historic landscape through volunteering, learning, sharing knowledge or simply enjoying a good walk, contributes to our sense of belonging, connection to place and cultural identity, all elements strongly interconnected with mental health and wellbeing.

Your Community

Our Future
History fosters engaged citizens and communities. Understanding the past and including it in discussions about present day challenges, helps engage citizens and communities. Saving and preserving the documents, objects, stories and places from the past also provides a vital legacy for future generations.